About WLI

As a song leader, you know you've been charged with a sacred task.  You want to take this job seriously, giving your best for God's glory.  But how?

Worship Leader Institute was created to help you answer just that question!

Holistic Worship Leading
As the premier training resource for comprehensive a cappella worship education, WLI's curriculum centers on what we call holistic worship leading.  Core competencies include:

  • Bible Study - Scripture Memorization -  Expressive Scripture Quotation
  • Facial Expressions - Microphone Technique - Eye Contact
  • Stage Presence - Body Language - Directing - Public Prayer
  • Transitions - Breath Control - Tempo Management - Dynamics/Contrasts
  • Extended Rests, Holds, and Cut-offs
  • And more!

These abilities represent what we consider to be a non-negotiable skill set for effective worship leaders.  Holistic worship classes serve as the foundation for the institute, but you can expect a lot more after you apply to take part.  

Advanced Topics

Some sessions of WLI will also detail practical conventions for advanced topics like:

  • Music Theory/Ear Training
  • Voice Care and Management
  • Directing/Interpretation
  • Spiritual Growth and Communion
  • Relationships
  • Worship Planning
  • Worship Technology
  • Vocal Tuning
  • and Conflict Resolution.

Students come from all over the world to be a part of this intense, weeklong boot camp of practical skill training and spiritual growth. Through Worship Leader Institute, you can equip yourself with the tools that fit your calling while cultivating a skill set and relationships that will last through eternity!

Instructors & Coaches include

Chris Turner Burlington, NJ

Minister/National Lectureship Devotional Leader

Jules Cseszko Melbourne, Australia

Choral and Orchestral Director

Keith Lancaster Nashville, TN

Musicianary and founder of Acappella Ministries

Shane Coffman Tulsa, OK

Worship Minister and a cappella worship music arranger

Matt Suggs - Worship Minister and WLI Director
Jake Jones - Worship Leader and WLI Assistant Director
Mike Rogers - Director of Jazz Studies at Abilene Christian University
Gary Moyers - Worship Minister and Acappella Vocalist
Rob Brannon - Worship Minister and Acappella Vocalist
John Mark Hicks - Professer at Lipscomb University
Robert King - Fine Arts Director at Lipscomb Academy
Kevin Stewart - Senior Minister
Anthony Lancaster - Worship Minister and Acappella Vocalist
John Burch -Elder and Worship Leader
Kyle Orr - Worship Leader with a passion for cross-cultural worship
Kevin Schaffer - Worship Minister and Acappella Vocalist
Andrew Whitehouse - Worship Minister
Melissa Lancaster - Worship Coordinator and Vice President of Acappella Ministries

                    Please note: Instructor and coach lineup is subject to change without notice

Important Information

  • Applicants will be pre-screened prior to acceptance into this exclusive, world-class worship leading instructional program
  • Applicants must submit two (2) letters of recommendation from an elder, minister, or church leader.
  • Applicants should be prepared to explain why they want to participate in Worship Leader Institute.
  • Applicants will be notified by email if they are accepted into Worship Leader Institute.
  • Applications will not be accepted after May 7, 2025.


Cost of Registration Includes:
Tuition, refreshment breaks, digital materials, professional coaching, several lunches and dinners, admission to the WLI Facebook group, and a Commission Banquet.

Cost of Registration Does NOT Include:

Hotel, travel, any meals not provided by WLI, rental car, computer or tablet for accessing digital WLI class materials, or any unexpected expenses.

Scholarship Recipients
Early bird discounts, payment bonuses, and/or group discounts will not apply to scholarship recipients.


You may reserve your space at WLI by applying to attend and paying a $695 deposit at any time prior to April 7, 2025. The balance of the tuition is then due by April 7, 2025.


Full tuition is $3,295. Early Bird discounts are available for those who pay in full before January 7, 2025.

Refund Policy

  • The deposit ($695) is non-refundable at any time after application, regardless of Early-Bird status. Exceptions will be made for those whose applications are not accepted. 
  • Any student who has paid in full and wishes to withdraw from WLI before January 7, 2025, may receive a refund minus the $695 deposit and a $150 withdrawal fee. 
  • Any student who has paid in full and wishes to withdraw from WLI between January 7 and April 7, 2025, will be given the option to apply their tuition payment to WLI 2026 or to receive a refund of: 
    • Super Early Bird Applicants: $1260 minus any discounts applied to tuition 
    • Early Bird Applicants: $1380 minus any discounts applied to tuition 
    • Full Tuition Applicants: $1560 minus any discounts applied to tuition 
    • Scholarship recipients are not eligible for a refund 

  • After April 7, 2025, no refunds will be given. Students will be given the option to apply their tuition payment to WLI 2026 but will still be required to pay the deposit amount (currently $695) when registering for WLI 2026. Required deposit amount is subject to change. Additionally, if a student who has chosen to apply their tuition payment to WLI 2026 chooses not to, or is unable to attend WLI 2026, they will forfeit their 2025 tuition payment. 
  • All cancellations must be in writing (including through email) 
  • If an applicant is not accepted into WLI, a full refund will be provided. 
  • Scholarship recipients are not eligible for a refund.

Applicant Information

Please note: Applications will not be accepted after April 7, 2025.

  • Please explain

Are you the great, great, great grandnephew of Abraham Lincoln?  Do you have a 6th toe on one foot?  Do you moonlight as an Elvis impersonator? Have you ever been inside an active volcano? For the question below, we're looking for something fun, unusual, or entertaining like these.

Please open and read the attached Faith Statement.

Faith Statement.pdf

Supporting Documents

Please attach a statement explaining why you want to attend WLI 2024. If you prefer to type a response rather than uploading a document, please check the box below:

Please attach a document describing your musical background and knowledge, such as:

  • Knowledge of shaped notes
  • Self-taught ability to read music
  • Play a musical instrument
  • Participated in music programs in grade school, middle school, and/or high school
  • Advanced music study in college
  • Have attended singing schools (Highly Recommended)
  • Compose and/or arrange music
  • Have had professional voice coaching
  • Have sung in a choir

Please attach two (2) recommendation letters from an elder, minister, or church leader.

Application Options and Payments

Please note: Applications will not be accepted after May 7, 2025.

  • Full tuition fee. You may reserve your space by paying a deposit of $695 prior to April 7, 2025. The balance will be due by April 7, 2025. All applicable discounts will be applied at checkout.


  • Official (Optional) WLI T-Shirt

    Official (Optional) WLI T-Shirt

    This optional T-shirt is available at a discount when purchased in advance. A limited number will be available for purchase during the week of WLI for $30 each.

I understand that I am applying for Worship Leader Institute 2025 and that acceptance is not guaranteed.
I have read and understood the refund and cancellation policy and agree to be bound by the terms of that policy.
I acknowledge that all WLI materials are the intellectual property of WLI, Acappella Ministries, and their partners, and I commit to maintaining their confidentiality.

Purchase ProtectionRECOMMENDED

Add Purchase Protection for a small fee and get a 100% refund of your registration purchase should you be prevented from attending due to a qualifying unforeseen circumstance. (Full Terms)

Why protect your registration purchase? Purchase Protection covers:

Severe Illness and InjurySevere Illness and Injury
Death in FamilyDeath in Family
Transportation FailureTransportation Failure
Crime and Home EmergencyCrime and Home Emergency
Employment ObligationsEmployment Obligations
Acts of NatureActs of Nature
Legal ObligationsLegal Obligations

Purchase Protection covers many common unforeseen circumstances, but exclusions apply. View full List of qualifying circumstances and exclusions.

* Terms, conditions and exclusions apply. Not available for or applicable to events, attendees, or travel outside of the USA. Purchase Protection is a service offered by Purchase Protection LLC. Purchase Protection is not an insurance policy. It is a service that will refund you 100% of your event fees, taxes and dues should you be prevented by unforeseen circumstances from attending the event. Purchase Protection does not apply to, and will not reimburse, merchandise purchases and charitable donations. Purchase Protection fees will be charged as a separate transaction. Any changes made to your purchase will not change the amount covered in this agreement.

Read Full Terms and Conditions

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software